home on a Sunday night & watching the Brit show "Strange" with all its scary priests...should be expanding my paper on Woolf but just don't have the energy. I did get through both novels for this week's classes: Doris Lessing's "Memoir of a Survivor" and a re-read of McEwan's "Saturday." 2nd was better written than the first but not as good a read the 2nd time around. Looking forward to being done with school for the summer although seriously stressed that I can't find my thesis advisor. I have some form thingie that's due by aug. 17th & it needs his signature. I do love these grad school profs who don't even bother to send back final papers...ah well. blogger keeps giving me these BRIGHT RED error messages...why can't anything ever work the way it's supposed to?...Can't decide which book to read first: the new Batman, the new Evenson, or any one of the stack of books that have been patiently waiting for me to have time to read them. Of course, I've spent too much of today reading the MOON guide to Acadia Park & Southeastern Maine...looking forward just a BIT to getting out of NYC. Of course, I should be spending this spare time writing (other than a few stories I've finished over the last month or 2) and doing research for my thesis but I'm not.
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