watching torchwood rerun from last night because I missed tonight's episode. don't think I can explain the (lack of) logic of that one. this alien really reminds me of a boss I had once. just came home from ken & emma's going away party. it's sad. they're leaving to go live in a small town in canada. which confuses me but apparently? there's a good job there for emma. some day I want to live in a small town in oregon. or washington. but not right now. just finished reading Graham Green's Brighton Rock. wanted to like it more than I did but I didn't. half the western world seems to be in San Diego right now for Comic Con. I'm not. I've only been to San Diego once & that was for this Indie Music & Publishing Festival. I saw Deadbolt & got drunk. I had REALLY great Mexican food and watched people crossing the border. or on the way to cross the border. or something like that. I also was on some panel but it was all so long ago. Oh & I nearly got mugged the only time I left the hotel by myself. I went to buy cough drops and water at the convenience store - right across the street - and 2 guys tried to take my money. I beat one over the head with my bag and kicked the other one. And then bought my cough drops & water & went back to my hotel room & cried. That's all I remember about San Diego. Some day? I hope to go to Comic Con but what with all this schooling & departure from anything even vaguely representing a career, I don't think that's going to happen. Maybe I should go back to doing PR & then I could get paid to go to Comic Con. Or maybe I should just do my homework & pretend I don't want to go to San Diego. Apparently? There's going to be a sequel to Tron. I find this disturbing. Not as disturbing as the Where the Wild Things Are trailer I saw this past weekend. Some books should be left alone & never made into movies. I'm still up & I know I should be trying to sleep. I have a 9 am dentist appointment. Why did I ever think that would be a good idea? At least I'm still stuck in my "I can't drink" mode (not sure when this will end - soon I hope?) so there's no worry about a hangover. I was somewhat shocked at just how rude a certain person was at this party tonight. Everyone else? great to see them, nicely social, some even good friends, this guy? nice & friendly when I first saw him and then, very oddly left w/out saying goodbye - made a point of it. Wow. I mean sure, I don't like him much either but I guess I was raised better than that. Still, have to smile to have my first impression of him proven true...trivial but still odd. Going to a Staten Island Yankees game tomorrow with Ken & Emma. Never been on the SI Ferry all the years I've lived in NY. Odd that. Hope it doesn't rain. This weekend's movie: The Hurt Locker. Not sure I'm in any kind of shape to see this film but it's supposed to be great. Films like this always feel like I'm picking away at a scab. Gross metaphor but that's what it feels like. think I'd be better off seeing that godawful new film with Gerard Butler (really - do I care who else is in that film?)...Gave Ken a copy of Evenson's new one "Fugue State" for a going away present. Felt bad I didn't give Emma anything but I think tonight's the first long conversation I've had w/her. She's quiet. understatement. Watching Torchwood & amazed how bad people's teeth can be. We Americans don't let our actors have bad teeth.
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