Four Marines Killed in Action in Iraq's Anbar Province
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, April 16, 2006 – Four U. S. Marines were killed in action yesterday in Iraq's Anbar province, military officials in Baghdad announced today. Three of the Marines were assigned to Regimental Combat Team 5, and the fourth was assigned to the 2/28 Brigade Combat Team. Officials provided no other details. The Marines' names are being withheld pending notification of next of kin.
Spc. Andrew K. Waits, 23, of Waterford, Mich., died April 13, in Baghdad, Iraq, where an improvised explosive device detonated near his HMMWV during combat operations. Waits was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Comabt Team, 101st Airborne Divison (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Ky.
The Department of Defense announced today the death of two Marines -
Cpl. Salem Bachar, 20, of Chula Vista, Calif. &
Lance Cpl. Stephen J. Perez, 22, of San Antonio, Texas. Both were killed due to enemy action in Al Anbar Province, Iraq on April 13. Bachar was assigned to Headquarters Battalion, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif. Perez was assigned to 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
WASHINGTON, April 15, 2006 –
A Marine assigned to 1st Marine Logistics Group died in a motor vehicle accident yesterday in Iraq's Anbar province, military officials reported, and tips from Iraqi citizens continue to result in captured insurgents and weapons. The death was not a result of enemy action, officials said. The Marine's name is being withheld pending notification of next of kin.
WASHINGTON, April 15, 2006 – Two Marines died and 22 were wounded due to enemy action while operating in Iraq's Anbar province April 13, military officials reported, and the Defense Department has identified several other servicemembers who died earlier.
One Marine died at the scene of the Anbar province attack. Another died later at a medical facility in Taqqadum.
Dead are:
Cpl. Salem Bachar, 20, of Chula Vista, Calif. Bachar was assigned to Headquarters Battalion, 1st Marine Division, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
Lance Cpl. Stephen J. Perez, 22, of San Antonio. Perez was assigned to 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
Eight wounded Marines, all assigned to Regimental Combat Team 5, were evacuated by air to a medical facility in Balad. Two were listed in critical condition. Six were listed in stable condition. Ten wounded Marines, all assigned to Regimental Combat Team 5, were evacuated to a medical facility at Camp Fallujah. Four were being held for observation. Six were treated and returned to duty. Four other Marines assigned to Regimental Combat Team 5 received minor wounds.
"Our hearts go out to the families of the dead and wounded Marines," said Marine spokesman Lt. Col. Bryan Salas. "Our wounded Marines are receiving the best care available, and we look forward to their speedy recovery. "
Meanwhile, the Defense Department has identified several earlier casualties:
Army Spc. Andrew K. Waits, 23, of Waterford, Mich. , died April 13 in Baghdad when a roadside bomb detonated near his Humvee during combat operations. Waits was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Divison (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Ky.
Two soldiers died of injuries suffered in Misiab on April 12, when a roadside bomb detonated near their Humvee during combat operations. Spc. Scott M. Bandhold, 37, of North Merrick, N. Y. , and Pfc. Roland E. Calderon-Ascencio, 21, of Miami, Fla. , were assigned to the 1st Battalion, 67th Armored Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Hood, Texas.
MarineLance Cpl. Marcus S. Glimpse, 22, of Huntington Beach, Calif. , died April 12 as the result of a roadside bomb while conducting combat operations in Anbar province. He was assigned to 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
Three soldiers died of injuries suffered in Taji on April 11 when a roadside bomb detonated near their Bradley fighting vehicle and they came under small-arms fire during combat operations. Cpl. Joseph A. Blanco, 25, of Bloomington, Calif. ; Pfc. James F. Costello III, 27, of St. Louis, Mo. ; and Pfc. George R. Roehl Jr. , 21, of Manchester, N. H. , were assigned to the 7th Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Hood, Texas.
Marine Lance Cpl. Philip J. Martini, 24, of Lansing, Ill. , died April 8 of a gunshot wound while conducting combat operations in Anbar province. Martini was assigned to 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
Marine Lance Cpl. Eric A. Palmisano, 27, of Florence, Wis. , died April 2 after the truck he was riding in rolled over in a flash flood near Asad. The incident also resulted in the death of six other Marines. Palmisano was listed in "Whereabouts Unknown" status until his body was recovered April 11. He was assigned to 1st Transportation Support Battalion, 1st Marine Logistics Group, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif. Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class Marcques J. Nettles, 22, of Beaverton, Ore. , is still listed as "Whereabouts Unknown" as a result of the incident, and search efforts continue.
Lance Cpl. Marcus S. Glimpse, 22, of Huntington Beach, Calif., died April 12 as the result of an improvised explosive device while conducting combat operations in Al Anbar province, Iraq. He was assigned to 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
Spc. Shawn R. Creighton, 21, of Windsor, N.C., died in Rawah, Iraq on April 8, when an improvised explosive device detonated near his Stryker vehicle during patrol operations. Creighton was assigned to the 4th Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment, 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, Fort Wainwright, Alaska.
Spc. Andrew K. Waits, 23, of Waterford, Mich., died April 13, in Baghdad, Iraq, where an improvised explosive device detonated near his HMMWV during combat operations. Waits was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 502nd Infantry Regiment, 2nd Brigade Comabt Team, 101st Airborne Divison (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Ky.
Three Soldiers Die in Iraq; DoD Identifies Recent Casualties
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, April 12, 2006 – Roadside bombs killed three U. S. servicemembers in Iraq today, and the Defense Department has identified five other recent casualties.
Military officials reported that two Multinational Division Baghdad soldiers were killed when their vehicle struck a roadside bomb south of Baghdad this morning. Another Multinational Division Baghdad soldier died this morning in a roadside bomb attack east of Baghdad.
The soldiers' names are being withheld pending notification of the families, and the incidents are under investigation.
Meanwhile, the Defense Department has identified three soldiers and two Marines who died recently in Iraq:
Army Spc. James W. Gardner, 22, of Glasgow, Ky. , died in Tal Afar on April 10 from a noncombat related cause. Gardner was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment, 101st Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Ky.
Two soldiers died of injuries suffered April 9 in Ramadi when a roadside bomb detonated near their Humvee during combat operations. Sgt. 1st Class Randall L. Lamberson, 36, of Springfield, Mo. , died in Balad on April 10, and Spc. David S. Collins, 24, of Jasper Ga. , died in Ramadi on April 9. The soldiers were assigned to the Army's 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Ky.
Marine Cpl. Richard P. Waller, 22, of Fort Worth, Texas, died April 7 from wounds suffered while conducting combat operations in Iraq's Anbar province. He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
Marine Lance Cpl. Bryan N. Taylor, 20, of Milford, Ohio, died April 6 after being shot by an Iraqi army soldier on a coalition base near Qaim. He was assigned to the 2nd Combat Engineer Battalion, 2nd Marine Division, 2nd Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Lejeune, N. C. The incident is under investigation.
Soldier, Marine Killed in Iraq; DoD Identifies Recent Casualties
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, April 13, 2006 – Military officials in Baghdad announced a U. S. soldier's death today and a Marine's death yesterday, and the Defense Department has identified two other recent casualties.
A Multinational Division Baghdad soldier was killed today when a roadside bomb struck his vehicle southwest of Baghdad. A Marine assigned to Regimental Combat Team 5 died due to enemy action while operating near Baghdad. Officials provided no other details.
The servicemembers' names are being withheld pending notification of next of kin.
In addition, the Defense Department has identified two soldiers - both assigned to the 4th Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment, 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, Fort Wainwright, Alaska -- who died recently in Iraq:
Army Spc. Kenneth D. Hess, 26, of Asheville, N. C. , died April 11 in Rawah as the result of a suicide bomber attack while he was conducting a dismounted patrol.
Army Spc. Shawn R. Creighton, 21, of Windsor, N. C. , died in Rawah April 8 when a roadside bomb detonated near his Stryker vehicle during a patrol.
Spc. Scott M. Bandhold, 37, of North Merrick, N.Y. and Pfc. Roland E. Calderonascenio, 21, of Miami, Fla. died of injuries sustained in Misiab, Iraq on April 12, when an improvised explosive device detonated near their HMMWV during combat operations. The soldiers were assigned to the 1st Battalion, 67th Armored Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Hood, Texas.
Cpl. Joseph A. Blanco, 25, of Bloomington, Calif., Pfc. James F. Costello III, 27, of St. Louis, Mo. and Pfc. George R. Roehl Jr., 21, of Manchester, N.H.died of injuries sustained in Taji, Iraq on April 11, when an improvised explosive device detonated near their Bradley Fighting Vehicle and they subsequently came under small arms fire during combat operations. All three soldiers were assigned to the 7th Squadron, 10th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, Fort Hood, Texas.
Lance Cpl. Eric A. Palmisano, 27, of Florence, Wis., died April 2, after the truck he was riding in rolled over in a flash flood near Al Asad, Iraq. The incident also resulted in the death of six other Marines and a Navy petty officer. Palmisano was listed as Duty Status - Whereabouts Unknown until his body was recovered April 11. He was assigned to 1st Transportation Support Battalion, 1st Marine Logistics Group, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif. Petty Officer 3rd Class Marcques J. Nettles, 22, of Beaverton, Ore. is still listed as Duty Status - Whereabouts Unknown as a result of the incident and search efforts continue.
Spc. Kenneth D. Hess, 26, of Asheville, N.C., died in Rawah, Iraq on April 11, as the result of a suicide bomber attack while Hess was conducting a dismounted patrol. Hess was assigned to the 4th Squadron, 14th Cavalry Regiment, 172nd Stryker Brigade Combat Team, Fort Wainwright, Alaska.
Lance Cpl. Philip J. Martini, 24, of Lansing, Ill., died April 8, of a gunshot wound while conducting combat operations in Al Anbar Province, Iraq. Martini was assigned to 1st Battalion, 1st Marine Regiment, 1st Marine Division, I Marine Expeditionary Force, Camp Pendleton, Calif.
American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, April 11, 2006 – Five U. S. soldiers have died in Iraq in recent days, and the Defense Department has identified four other recent casualties.
Three Multinational Division Baghdad soldiers died after a roadside bomb exploded near the vehicle they were riding in north of Baghdad today, military officials reported.
A soldier assigned to 2nd Battalion 28th Brigade Combat Team died yesterday from wounds suffered from enemy action April 9 in Anbar province, officials announced today.
They also announced today a soldier from the 130th Engineer Brigade was killed April 9 when his combat patrol struck a roadside bomb near Balad. Another soldier was wounded and was taken to a military medical treatment facility, officials added. They provided no report on the wounded soldier's condition.
The soldiers' names are being withheld pending notification of next of kin.
Meanwhile, the Defense Department has identified three soldiers and a Marine who died recently in Iraq:
Army Sgt. 1st Class Gregory S. Rogers, 42, of Cincinnati, died in Ramadi on April 9 when a roadside bomb exploded near his Humvee during a convoy. Rogers was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 101st Airborne Division (Air Assault), Fort Campbell, Ky.
Army Pfc. Joseph I. Love, 22, of North Pole, Alaska, died in Balad on April 9 when a roadside bomb exploded near his Humvee during a convoy. Love was assigned to the 94th Engineer Combat Battalion (Heavy), 8th Sustainment Command (Theater), Schofield Barracks, Hawaii.
Army Pvt. Jody W. Missildine, 19, of Plant City, Fla. , died in Tal Afar on April 8 when a roadside bomb exploded near his Humvee during a convoy. Missildine was assigned to the 2nd Battalion, 37th Armored Regiment, 1st Brigade, 1st Armored Division, Friedberg, Germany.
Marine Lance Cpl. Juana Navarro Arellano, 24, of Ceres, Calif. , died April 8 from wounds received while supporting combat operations in Anbar province. Arellano was assigned to 9th Engineer Support Battalion, 3rd Marine Logistics Group, 3rd Marine Expeditionary Force, Okinawa, Japan.