Monday, April 24, 2006

sign up for the "virtual march" against genocide in Darfur:

sign up for the "virtual march" against genocide in Darfur:
Over 400,000 civilians have already died in Darfur. But, almost 2 years after the United States officially recognized it as a "genocide," almost nothing has been done to stop the killing.
A relatively small United Nations peace keeping force (which wouldn't even require new US troops) could protect civilians, stop the violence, and help a real peace process begin. But it won't happen if world leaders, including ours, don't stand up and demand it.
So this week, thousands of concerned Americans will gather in Washington to tell Congress and President Bush to support a real international peacekeeping force - and to do it now. To help show the national media how many voters support this call, MoveOn is organizing this virtual march.
They'll present all signatures and comments at the big rally, and they're aiming to get 250,000 "virtual marchers" by the end of the week.


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