of tornados and summer's end
somehow it's september. today nyc is under a "tornado watch" which allows me to avoid being social and instead stay inside nursing my post-teaching hangover. something about the whole experience of facilitating a writing workshop. in brooklyn. on a saturday morning. just leaves me tired. NY1 is busy celebrating their 20th anniversary. I don't think I watched them much until 9/11. Tuesday will be the 11th anniversary. shortly before 9/11, I was seriously considering leaving nyc for australia. and yet, here I remain. still not sure why. The fall semester in both my grad programs starts about now. my over-priced textbook hasn't yet arrived and the online readings won't load so that's one class down. the other one starts monday night. and a 3rd - about mid-way through the semester. meanwhile, re-working one of the four failed novels I've written in the past few years. read something somewhere about research and fiction. how sometimes it helps. how some writers think it's a bad idea. not sure how I feel about this having done both. "write what you know" but look some stuff up while you're at it? I don't know how writers have the patience to deal with agents - people who can't write themselves but have no problem telling me what/how to write? okay, sure. why not. what's really on my mind today: summer's over. that seems impossible to me but there it is. I spent most of July in Ireland with a group of students from NYU. maybe I'll write about it on here at some point. post some photos. maybe. next time (if there is a next time), I'll definitely go with less people. something about a crowd of Americans - a crowd of any people - makes me seriously uncomfortable. not to mention the reactions we got from the locals. I did read a lot of good books this summer. will probably post some reviews here at some point. Today I plan to avoid the phone, maybe watch a movie, and do some work. maybe write another story about a boy name Fred. although I wrote one this morning about a girl named Florida. she seems to want to stick around so maybe I'll write about her instead. meanwhile: the Tornado Cometh (or not).
Labels: 9/11, australia, Florida, grad school, Ireland, NYC, summer, teaching, tornado, writing
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