Friday, April 02, 2010

just got Ian McEwan's new one "Solar" - hope it'll be better than the new Delillo which was well written and all? just read as really unfinished and of course the only women in the book were not really IN the book. *sigh*
watching Medium for the first time in a long time. it's just not as good as used to be. or maybe it's me. now that I finally have time to watch TV? I can't find anything I want to watch.
doing the whole "poem-a-day" thing with MES. So far that's only 2 poems. neither of which I like very much but oh well. at least it's making me do some poetry. even if it is bad.
but at least it's better than this TV show. I do so like it though when they crank "don't fear the reaper" in the middle of a show. which is why I sometimes actually watch "supernatural."
and now, back to my book. just finishing up Buzz Poole's "I like to keep my troubles on the windy side of Things" which I bought because it's teeny tiny & has really good cover art. oh & it came with a free tote bag.


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