Friday, November 06, 2009

I've been sick for 3 wks now. So much fun. Still managed to make it to the party for the Brooklyn Writers' Space Anthology, "the Reader," last night at BookCourt.  Not a fan of bklyn ever but this store was pretty cool. Only problem? takes 30 mins on the F train to get there. Still - it's a cool store, nice people & the anthology looks great. There are only 200 of them so get one while you can.  Also made it to see Sherman Alexie @ B&N which was cool but would've been better if he'd been on his own. Stood in the rain to watch the Halloween Parade - not as good as other years but Terra Incognito was supercool.  Also went to see Emmanuel Ax with the NYPhil. He's stunning but the program setup wasn't too great. Never follow Beethoven with pop music - even good Bernstein pop.  so much more but it's Friday & like I said, I've been sick for 3 wks now. coughing up a lung even. 


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