Friday, August 04, 2006

travels with fio - london day 2

Yes, so i did decide to take that nap yesterday which was a good idea. Woke up about 4 and since Lee wasnt coming home until 6 decided to go out for a little happy hour. Walked down the street to a pub called Dignity. Appreciating the irony of myself drinking in a place called Dignity, I went in for a pint. Was excited when i saw they had Young's bitter on cask so decision made! Unfortunately after about 17 pulls on the cask and the barmaid nearly passing out from exhaustion without much luck she asked if i wanted something else. I suggested she keep pulling until the glass filled or she passed out but still no luck and had to settle for a fuller's. Finished and went to place called Central for another and the crowd there reminded me of drinking in the village barn in Greenwood lake. Came home, Lee arrived (almost didnt recognize him with short hair and a suit) and he cracked open a couple of quarts of San Miguel and caught up. He even made a good dinner from some Gnocchi and a quick homemade sauce. Fortunately, Lee's roomate Brian (from Ireland if youre interested) works in a wine store so there is always good wine in the house. 3 0f us had a quiet night out just for a few pints at a place called Catcher in the Rye until closing. I just woke up from sleeping 10 hours and feel quit refreshed. Meeting up at the beer festival at 5:30 which gives me the whole afternoon for what i have no idea. Will try to stay sober for the afternoon at least. A good person would clean the dishes from last night. I will spend the next hour debating if i am good person or not and go from there. Still wearing yesterday's clothes, Fio


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