Thursday, July 27, 2006

52 books in 52 weeks

haven't posted this in a while but here's this year's 52 books in 52 weeks so far - in no particular order & * means re-read. Oh & I'm not counting lit journals, stuff I have to read for work, etc.

1. jeanette winterson/gut symmetries
2. jeanette winterson/the passion*
3. j. lethem/as she climbed across the table
4. j. lethem/fortress of solitude
5. larry brown/big bad love * (3rd time?)
6. e. kostova/the historian (man...does she need a good editor!)
7. zadie smith/on beauty
8. cormac mccarthy/no country for old men
9. joan didion/the year of magical thinking (read it twice - does that count as 2?)
10. joan didion/where I'm from
11. wm vollmann/europe central
12. malcolm gladwell/the tipping point
13. steve earle/doghouse roses
14. ian mcewan/saturday
15. francine prose/a changed man
16. francine prose/guided tours of hell
17. alice greenway/white ghost girls
18. james lee burke/jolie blon's bounce
19. michael ondaatje/coming through slaughter* (3rd time?)
20. james lee burke/sunset limited
21. james lee burke/lost get-back boogie
22. james lee burke/half of paradise
23. cortazar/hopscotch* (it's different every time)
24. wm gass/fiction & the figures of life
25. wm gass/tests of time
26. flannery o'connor/mystery & manners
27. neil jordan/shade
28. the warrior's camera-cinema of akira kurosawa [forgot who the author is, sorry!]
29. roy stars/deadly dialectics: sex, violence & nihilism in mishima
30. michael yapko/hand-me-down blues
31. d. parker/not much fun (lost poems of dorothy parker)
32. anthony swofford/jarhead* (re-read prior to this year's Tin House workshop)

that's all I can remember right now...


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