Tuesday, January 04, 2011

I used to make vast lists of New Year's resolutions but though I often kept at least some of them, as I grew older, I gave up on this folly. Sort of. This year, I have a few and they are: travel more (tough to do while this broke but I'll figure something out), read more (I slacked off on the reading some this year - to my brain's detriment), send out more writing (I'd put "write more" but I'm already writing plenty), teach more (even though teaching = staying broke since in this wonderful country we pay teachers less than people who work at Starbucks), stop putting up with the dead weight (and I don't mean the fat versus lean muscle ratio - though I'm continuing to work on that). Dead weight = all those many people in my life who ask and ask and ask for favors and suck up my time and never ever ever give back. I mean, sure, giving isn't about receiving but really? it is. And that's a lesson I learned, yet again, in 2010. Oh & more shoes. I only bought 3 (?) new pair of shoes in 2010 and that's just plain wrong. I don't care how broke I am. A girl needs shoes.

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