Friday, December 17, 2010

a little less than 2 wks and 2010 will go out with a whimper. if I get around to it, I'll be posting top 10's of pretty much everything. if I can come up with 10 books/records/movies/etc. that came out this year that I actually paid attention to. the problem with being so immersed in grad school from '06 - '09 is that I spent a lot of this year trying to get my life back. as in, having a social life again (one that didn't revolve around classmates/readings/etc.). I also spent a lot of the year avoiding even mildly challenging reading. watched a whole lot of TV though. and some decent enough movies. and spent a lot of time outside walking/swimming/climbing things. now that it's 8 degrees outside (and I can't find anyone to learn how to snowshoe with me) I guess I have time to catch up on my reading. and listening. I did write a novel. so that's something. In one month (Nat'l novel writing month). And I did write a poem a day since April. Those will come out in a little chapbook shared with my friend MES - probably by April of '11. And I think I did a whole lot of other stuff in there too but that will just have to wait for the list portion of things. maybe this weekend. while it snows. meanwhile, there's this.

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