already Wednesday and I'm still in the middle of Sunday somewhere. This week has brought: massive holes in my bathroom wall & no idea when the contractor who's "renovating" next door will fix this latest in a series of apt. nightmares. If I could move, I would though I'd rather take my landlord's skinny Long Island a** to court. Other than that, this hot/humid non-October weather (68 degrees at 11 at night??) has me cranky as f**k which has lead to some writing getting done. And apparently, I've finally succumbed to joining a "book club" - at least this one's online & doesn't pretend to be social and it's run by the always cool Del Cheetah (who I met when he was in Man Scouts of America). We're currently reading Palahniuk's "Haunted" which is the usual Palahniuk little-boy grossness but featuring some interesting narrative shifts. Still, he's not the writer everyone hypes him to be. At least in my estimation. Continuing to read through stacks of fiction mss for Black Lawrence - only come across a couple decent reads in the last few months which is depressing. Tonight I went out to dinner at GoBo on 6th Avenue. Really overpriced and the food was just average but it was nice to have a menu that's mostly vegan AND to see a vegan place completely full of non-DirtyHippies. I still prefer Life on B but as far as west side places go, it's definitely healthier than Red Bamboo (albeit not as GOOD and much more expensive). Service was light years beyond Red Bamboo's lame hipster waitstaff too - which was nice. Finally finished up "New Orleans Noir." Can't say I was overwhelmed - most of the stories were in dire need of rewrites or at least some decent editing. There were a couple of good ones but overall, I was actually shocked that out of all the good writers in New Orleans, these are the stories that made the cut (?). Ah well. I'm discovering it really is truly awful to live without all my books. When I'm reading a bad book (or even a mediocre book) I don't have the options any more to move on to another book without waiting till the next day...hopefully, I'll have time/energy to get some more books out of storage this weekend. And now, it's time to get back to writing. Think I'll do that "novel-in-a-month" thing in November to get away from all these short stories I've been writing lately. Time to send some of them out into the world and see how they fare.
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