first Exene has M.S. and now The Grasshopper offs himself? the world is a sad & troubling place sometimes...
in happier news, it's still rainy & grey & cold outside which is making me happy although this blinding headache I've had for 3 days (?) is still doing JUST FINE...I missed not one but TWO readings I wanted to go to because of this. Of course, it's given me lots of time to do my homework, ponder my existence, rewrite & send off a story, lots of other useful stuff. Maybe if I spent less time under flourescent lights? or less time staring a computer screen? or less time squinting at a printed page?
and then there's this nonsense about cats & strings wherein some human scientists try to prove that cats don't understand Cause & if. Since when have humans understood Cause & Effect? And we all know that cats are certainly smarter than humans. please people, get a life and go study something worthwhile like the mating habits of gerbils.
in happier news, it's still rainy & grey & cold outside which is making me happy although this blinding headache I've had for 3 days (?) is still doing JUST FINE...I missed not one but TWO readings I wanted to go to because of this. Of course, it's given me lots of time to do my homework, ponder my existence, rewrite & send off a story, lots of other useful stuff. Maybe if I spent less time under flourescent lights? or less time staring a computer screen? or less time squinting at a printed page?
and then there's this nonsense about cats & strings wherein some human scientists try to prove that cats don't understand Cause & if. Since when have humans understood Cause & Effect? And we all know that cats are certainly smarter than humans. please people, get a life and go study something worthwhile like the mating habits of gerbils.
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