Friday, June 05, 2009

another day another 40 cents to the dollar (?)'s raining again - very hard - which means I somehow have to do all of my errands on Monday or Tuesday since I'll be going to the Yale University Reunion Weekend all weekend. And no, I didn't go to Yale but my dad did because he's definitely smarter than me. Just finished my reading for school last night - Leslie Marmon Silko's "Ceremony" which is, another one of those "I get why it's so important" books and while most of it's really good? it really really made me feel bad for being white. I guess that's the point, right? And yet, the protagonist is half-white which seems to disappear from the book at some point or maybe I'm not reading it right which is quite possible...the headache persists. I had dreams all night involving the ocean, standing in the ocean, walking on the beach barefoot by the ocean, listening to the ocean while I slept in some nice little house most definitely not anywhere I've been before. And then I woke up to the sound of rain on the roof. I'm spending far too much time on Twitter lately which is really pathetic considering the amount of work I have to get done. I notice that a lot of writers (actually published writers with successful books out and everything) spend a lot of time on there (unless they actually just make some poor research assistant post all their tweets for them) do they actually get any writing done? Or maybe they just don't have lives so they spend their time online and posting tweets and still get writing done? Or maybe they sleep less than I do. Or maybe...I'm really spending too much time worrying about this, aren't I? when I really should be re-drafting my thesis proposal & finishing off a couple of stories & sending them out into the world & running on the treadmill (because only an idiot would run on the street in NYC) & cleaning the apartment & drafting my final paper proposal for my class (which is neary almost over?!?) & all that other stuff I have to do.


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