Friday, December 30, 2005

year end top 10's and all that

I haven't really been in the mood to write up top 10's though various & sundry friends & acquaintances have sent me their year-end wrap ups...since it's briefly quiet at the dayjob (probably because no one else in nyc is actually working today), I'll make an attempt:

movies - in no particular order
Walk the Line (who knew either of 'em had it in 'em? I mean, sure WAA-keen has proved he's a great actor but...)
Jarhead - a decent job of adapting an incredibly powerful book & yes, there is the santa hat dance & the sex against the wall scene - the horse covered in oil was the scene that gutted me completely...
Grizzly Man - werner herzog's documentary that proves there are people in this world weirder than he is - though perhaps not as brilliant & hey, I'm always up for anything with GRIZZLIES
Sin City - great job of bringing comix to the big screen & who knew Mickey Rourke could still look kinda sexy?
Mirrormask - Henson manages to NOT ruin a wonderful Neil Gaiman story & to actually bring Dave McKean's brilliant artwork to a less static medium. I loved this movie - yes I am a geek.
Batman Begins - great movie though Bale had a weird voice every time he had the mask on & I couldn't stop thinking about Tom & the Scientologists every time Katie Holmes was on screen - eek.

Movies that I'm sure will make the list once I've had time to see them: Munich, Brokeback Mountain, King Kong, Narnia (oh shutup!)
there are many, many more great movies I saw this year but these are the ones that come to mind.


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