Monday, October 01, 2012

on 9.19.12 I was struck by a van while crossing 5th avenue on my way to work.  to say my life has been turned upside down is not only a cliche but a severe understatement.
some things I've learned since that morning:
it's never the people you think you can count on who step up when needed.
I have some truly awesome friends.  I have a couple of truly selfish friends.
it is very hard to get things done in NYC when you can't really walk.
I do like fuzzy slippers. and animal cookies. and stuffed animals.
I no longer like vegetables or most chocolate (at least not right now).
there is nothing more painful than fractured ribs.
most people would rather tell me about their friend, neighbor, cousin, ex-whatever who once had a car accident/broken ribs/broken hip/fell off a cliff/broke a hand skydiving than actually hear how I'm doing.
NYC streets are scary as f**k to cross. even with the light.
If I use a cane, 3/4 of pedestrians will give me room to walk & most cars will wait for me to cross.
Daytime TV is mostly truly awful & most commercials are for accident or disability lawyers.
I can no longer watch any TV that involves dead bodies, car accidents, most kinds of violence or love stories. Especially love stories.
I can no longer listen to 99% of the music I love.  Classical music seems okay as long as it's not too loud. or complex. or depressing. or upbeat. and opera is totally out.
I can't seem to read anything more complex than an email. And I can't seem to write poetry. at all.
But still, as so many people have found a need to tell me in the past 10 days, I'm "really lucky" and "it could be a lot worse."  Yep, I could be dead. Or have lost limbs. Or be permanently disfigured. And I'm not any of those things. Though really, fractured ribs are really really really painful.