Sunday, August 28, 2011

My rating: 3 of 5 stars

I struggled a bit with this one as, at times, it feels very heavy-handed in its message(s) but ultimately, I found it deeply moving. It's another quick read partly due to the structure (all in letters as the title states) and partly due to the language. I did find myself skimming over one or two of the longer "letters" mainly because the links between science and love didn't work for me at all. I would recommend this to anyone. It's about life, war, oppression, love, the nature of humanity, all the big stuff. Character and voice is strong here as is a sense of place. Overall, while it's a bit cloying at times, this one definitely works for me. To quote from one of the letters, "In a city without prisons - has there ever been one? - who would ever guess one can put so much into letters?" Indeed.


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