Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Labels: Wagner

Labels: bastards, east village destruction, Mars Bar RIP

Labels: abandoned building, beauty

Labels: abandoned building, beauty, home
of herzog, fetid air, and King Lear
I have been badly neglecting my blog in favor of "real life" the past few months. Now that it's hotter than it should be for the beg. of June, I've opted to stay inside away from all those nekked people and that air that has already become the definition of fetid. In the meantime, I've read some good books, finished the edits on the second novel (having, for now, given up on the first) and am now sending it out into the world. This summer will, hopefully, be spent getting my knee back in enough shape to climb more stuff (so far this year I've only done Delaware Water Gap, Storm King, and the walk around the Falls near Trumansburg, NY). It's hot enough though I'd rather be at the beach pretending to be a fish. The word "flounder" comes to mind. Did see Sir Derek Jacobi in King Lear. Which was great. Although having my life threatened by a crazy man on the subway ride home was not great. Ah, Brooklyn, how much I do not miss you. And then there's the matter of two operas so far this year. Actually, 3, if I'm counting "Carmen in 3D from the Royal Opera House." Finally, due to a stroke of luck (and a good friend), I saw some WAGNER live: Die Walkure - the Met's new production. It was stunning. And all those other over-used adjectives. Really nothing like Wagner. And the next night, went to see "Cave of Forgotten Dreams," Herzog's new film. In 3D. Liked it so much, I saw it again. So much more but that's all this Tuesday night's giving me. I did a reading - just a poem from the forthcoming chapbook & a super-short story (I HATE that term "flash fiction"). It was part of NYWC's upcoming Write-a-thon at which I'll be leading a workshop. And after which, I'll be attempting to afford a beverage at the Algonquin with my co-chapbook writer, MES. And now off to do some more writing and watching of my TV. Thank god for air conditioning.
Labels: fetid, flounder, Herzog, hiking, King Lear, NYC, real life, Storm King, things I hate about Brooklyn, Wagner, writing