just watched a doc. on Ed "Big Daddy" Roth that I'd seen ages ago. This time it reminded me of that time in my life when I loved cars. REALLY loved them. I still have more photos of cars than I do of people. And I remember the cars better than the men who drove them. Which probably says more about me than about the men in question. That said, while I long ago sold off/gave away my Rat Fink/Ed Roth/Rbt. Williams collection, I do, still have photos of some of those beautiful cars. Which I will try to find and post here. Another thing I missed out on living in NYC all these years - I've never owned a car. Doesn't stop me from wanting one. Though at this point, it's likely I'll never have one & if I do? it'll be something practical like a hybrid. or a Jeep. or a Volvo. And not a '54 Chevy. with flames. and pinstriping.
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