Wednesday, March 31, 2010

that big stack of books to be read (as of 3/31/10):

mothers & sons/colm toibin
the red convertible/erdrich
an unquiet mind
baghdad without a map/tony horwitz
brooklyn/colm toibin

there are more but that would involve going into the other room & that's not gonna happen right now.
I guess I have posted a new list of these since '09 (really? has it been that long??) so here goes. There may be some repeats from '09 but hopefully not:

52 books in 52 weeks:

1. drift/victoria patterson
2. once the shore/paul yoon (sp? gave it away so can't look it up)
3. sense & sensibility & sea monsters
4. point omega/delillo
5. face/sherman alexie (poems
6. war dances/sherman alexie
7. Inspector Alleyn Calls (3 novels)/Ngaio Marsh
8. Nevermore (a graphic adaptation of Poe's short stories)
9. off the reservation/paula gunn allen
10. neither here nor there/marcel jolley
11. the passion/j. winterson (2nd/3rd? read)

must be more than that but that's all I can come up with. not reading 2 books a week now that I'm no longer in grad school (what?!?)


it's been ages & yes, life has changed drastically. but I'm not gonna go into any of that. instead? I'm gonna talk about Beethoven. yes, Beethoven. I spent the past weekend + going to the Lincoln Center series of the entire Beethoven symphonies. first 2 nights were performed by the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment. I viewed the first night from a "box" seat in Alice Tully Hall (terrible sightlines & seriously over-heated). The sound was stunning - esp. the Eroica. Friday I spent getting a tooth pulled at the dentist (ouch) and then dragged myself back uptown. This time I had a seat in "Row G" - apparently (according to the usher) the seat with the most legroom in AT Hall. Not that I generally need legroom. I had a great view of the violins (read: most important part) but did miss seeing the overall view of the orchestra I got from the "box" seat. The following night, I was in Row G again & was again stunned by the sound although I can say I don't like the Budapest Orchestra as much as I liked the OAE. They had better shoes though. If that counts. Finally, the 4 days of music wrapped up on Sunday afternoon with the Pastoral & the 9th. Much as I love the friend who came with me, I think I prefer going to classical music concerts on my own. And sitting up front. And just listening to the music, checking out the footwear & outfits (and bad hair dye in the case of Budapest) and meeting the nice people who always seem to sit next to me at concerts. In any case, the Pastoral was gorgeous & the 9th was again, stunning. No more concerts for a while since all my money must now go to the dentist & the oral surgeon & my student loans. Life is seldom fair. But at least there's Beethoven.