I've been MIA for almost an entire year...in that year? I've finished an entire year of the MA at NYU...taught 2 semesters of "Approaches to Creative Writing" at a small liberal arts college north of NYC...taught a workshop @ the bklyn veterans' center...read way too many f'ing books to write about here...seen about 100 movies...and climbed a few new big rocks that they call mountains out here on the east coast. Oh & had a story published in the Raleigh Quarterly ("If I Were a Carpenter") and have an even larger pile of rejection letters than I did a year ago.
I've stopped posting DOD announcements of servicemen/women deaths simply because I could not keep up. We have a new president now but somehow, the death announcements keep coming. Big surprise that...
Today I spent leading my workshop at the Vet Center, standing in line at the post office (where I picked up my new cowboy boots which were not all I hoped they would be, the new Denis Johnson Book, and some random classical CD I don't remember ordering). After that, I headed over to the NYWC Write-a-thon which was halfway over & where I lead a very rewarding workshop which included the fabulous writers Matt(e) and M.E.Sanger (whose book is at yet another agent who seems to like it quite a bit). It was nice to be in a room full of writers & people who care about writing after a year at NYU surrounded by people who read far too much critical theory & like it. After that, we headed over to Conolley's (sp?) which is always equal parts charming & terrifying. This was no exception as they were suddenly inundated by pre-teens speaking a language I couldn't identify. We were moved to a table by a window with a view of...a window & then finally Matt(e)'s charming g.f. T. showed up with tales of insane people accosting her on the subway and in the street. So many people crammed into such small space, one out of ten's bound to be bonkers. And now I'm home & not doing my reading (which is due by Monday) and not finishing either of the 2 stories that have been bouncing around in my head all week but instead, enjoying the a.c. and typing on this and watching "the Princess Bride"...I should be at one (or both) of 2 parties but frankly, I'd rather talk to the cat.
Went to see "Waiting for Godot" last night & felt mildly vindicated that I've been saying it correctly all this time (as I knew but still, it's nice to hear someone else put the stress on the right syllable)...It was good. John Goodman was great. The rest of the cast, good. This makes 2 broadway plays in as many months...I'm getting spoiled. Next big even is Star Trek, the pubescent years, tomorrow afternoon. I really do need to spend more time working & less time going to the movies. Speaking of movies...Wolverine was a big disappointment. Sure, Liev & Hugh were all manly & stuff but I just expected more. Oh well. and now, I really must do some work...