Tuesday, January 29, 2008



The Jane's Stories Poetry Award from Jane's Stories Press Foundation will be awarded to the best poem submitted by February 1, 2008 on the theme of "Borders and Bridges." Previously unpublished poems of any length or style, written in English by women, are eligible. Entries should speak to the Foundation's special interests in work by and about women.

A First Prize of $100 will be awarded. Second Prize of $50, and two Third Prizes of $25 each also will be awarded. All winning poems and authors will be featured on our web site. Authors also grant JSPF reprint rights to publish winning entries in its next anthology.

An entry fee of $10 for three poems must accompany each submission. Include $3 for each additional poem submitted beyond the first three, up to a limit of 5 poems. Enclose an SASE for notification and a list of the winners. All entries will be recycled rather than returned.

IMPORTANT: Enclose a separate sheet including your name, address, email address, and phone number and a list of the poems submitted. Do not put your name on the poem itself. The title of each poem should appear at the top of the page. Entries without SASEs will not be considered. Entries postmarked later than February 1, 2008, will be discarded.

Send all entries and fees to:

Jane's Stories Press, 5500 N 50 W, Fremont, IN, 46737. Or email your poem as a Word PDF document to janesstories@mac.com.

JSPF adheres to the Council of Literary Magazines and Presses Contest Code of Ethics.

See some of our previous winners below.

Please add $3.00 for each additional poem beyond the first three. NOTE: Poetry entries must arrive by snail mail to our address (above.)


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