latest from BARRELHOUSE
Yo Barrelhouse People, A quick Buzz for you this time around. All the better to focus our stubby little attention spans on two things: -- The Barrelhouse Invitational: Pop Culture Essay Contestis open and in full swing. -- In case you didn't get this before, big bad BarrelhouseNumber Two is here and available for order.
Now featuring cash money prizes! We're looking for great nonfiction with a pop culture slant. The winner will receive $200 and publication in Barrelhouse print issue 3 (this summer). $13 per entry.We believe you have it in you. Somewhere out there, there's a brilliant essay on Mr. T or Fantasy Island or Jay-Z and Beyonce or, well, you get the picture -- we could go on andon (and we do, when we've had a few too many Brooklyn Browns). If you've got a great essay with a pop culture angle, we'd love to read it. If, along the way, we learn a little something about you, the world as you see it, or Life As We Know It, so much the better. Make us laugh, cry, nod our heads in a knowing fashion, twinkle, nod, reprogram our Tivo, twitch uncomfortably, or run to the record store to buy Live at the Appolo.Enter today! For more information, read this:
BIG BAD BARRELHOUSE TWO: It's here! And you can buy one today. Issue two includesnew fiction, poetry, and essays from the likes of Brian Ames, Lee Klein, Sean Beaudoin, Nancy Slavin, John Repp, and PaulaMorris. And loads of other talented, talented people. And that's just the normal stuff. There's also an interview with punk icon Ian MacKaye of Fugazi and Dischord Records, the Action Figure Portrait Gallery, and the Illustrated Story, “Sex and Pills: A Love Story,” by Carrie Hill Wilner and adapted by Kylos Brannon. And last but not least: the Very Special Swayze Section. That's right: we are quite confident in telling you that Barrelhouse 2 includes the finest Patrick Swayze related fiction and poetry ever published in any literary magazine ever. Ever! Quick, before you do anything stupid, click here to score yourself a copy today:
JUST COME ON BACK, NOW, Y'HEAR: Visit the Barrelhouse site. Bring all your smartass friends.