Thursday, November 10, 2005

fio's travels - antwerp & amsterdam

my friend Fio is off traveling again...

antwerp arrival
okay, so i arrived this morning hopped up on caffeine and airline food. Got the train to antwerp and started my day. Went to a museum, because i am all about the cultcha. Had lunch over a couple of beers and got into a conversation with a guy who took the day off from his scaffolding job. He talked about how he also works translating german in Rotterdam. His english wasnt that good so he may have been talking about a rotten dam in german tha ruined his scaffolding and that is why he wasnt working today. You know, alcohol plus affeine plus lack of sleep can distort reality pretty bad. Anyway had a couple of more beers Dekonock only costs 2 dollars here compared to back home so if i drink 12 of them i will save enough money to pay for my hotel. all they play in bars here are cheesy eighties ballads. i will gouge my eyes out before the night is done. already buzzing and it is only four. cant wait to finish the night. talk tomorrow. Fio

Antwerp next day

Okay, right after i wrote last i was walking back to ly roon when i passed the Philadelphia Bookstore. So i stood qnd stared for a while because i was dumbfounded. Who in Philadelphia even reads books? Yuengling labels dont count. So tha kept me occupied for awhile. Then I went out. Oh boy! I cant count the number of places i went to but it was over 10. So i stumbled around for a while but did manage to find my hotel, tricky to get in the building and hallway was dark. I am in room 9 but on my key it could easily be a 6. Almost went to the wrong room. I was in a bar last night where the men all greeted each other with a kiss but it wasnt a gay bar. I know this because none of them hit on me (im attractive arent I? so whats the problem?) I woke up about 12:30 but my but was sore. I hope it was from the uncomfortable bar stools i was sitting on all nght and not...something....more....sinister. Ah, what the hell, im on vacatiion. Went to the cathedral today which is absolutely amazing. So awe inspiring that i nearly prayed myself. But then i didnt know who to pray to or for what reason. Went to the Kulminator, Antwerps best known beer bar, for a couple. They have a cat which became my new friend. At least i hope it existed, for all i know i was the only one to see it. After finally getting rid of that blue dog that stalked me for 4 years I hope i did not find a new demon to haunt me!!. So its about 8:30 now and i will try to have an easy night but i am not promising myself anything. Im happy to just find my way home. Teetering on the edge of insanity, Fio

Antwerp next day

Had an early night last night, about 12:30. Only reason was becuase i had a chimay then an orval which just put me out. Ate a bunch of fries before bed realizing that fries, bread and beer have been my only sustenance. I have to stay hydrated as i kept dreaming last night that all i did was drink water but stayed thirsty. Pretty much walked around in a dazed & confused state today. I walked by a park and saw what i believe to be a wild chicken. It was mixed in with some rabbits and ducks but it was definitely a chicken! (what do wild chickens eat anyway?). Walked by the DeKoninck brewery it was closed so i just left a note thanking them for doing a good job. Will try to be low key tonight but they are broadcasting the Chelsea-Man U game at the irish pub so i may have to check that out. Maybe i can convince them to show the giants game later. Anyway, tomorrow i leave for amsterdam so ican spread my evil to another country. Finding my way back to myself, Fio

Well, last night was really mellow. Ate a good meal and watched the soccer match and then they had 2 football games on. Unfortunately they were tampa-carolina and chic-new orleans (??????). Anyway started to break out in a cold sweat so called it a night. But woke up feeling good so rebound is in effect. Had some issues with the train but a kindly conductor motioned me to his train and helped me on my way. Sat with him up front and he was all excited about coming back to the US in June. Turns out his favorite place in the world is wyoming and also wants to visit oregon and idaho. So I just looked at him kind of curious and said "i hear its nice". Got to amsterdam with no worries went right out to a lunch of La Chouffe and Ossenwerst, which translates to "raw sausages", a rather accurate description. Like a poor mans steak tartare which is good because i am poor and like steak tartare. Went to my room which is the size of a closet and i have to share a bathroom but its only 30 euros a night so i cant complain. Had a conversation with a bartender who stayed in west orange for 2 months (agaiN ??????) hewas only 19 at the time so he got a fake id saying he was from philadelphia (again with that fucking city, why cant it just go away?). Had some food from Suriname (yea i have no fucking clue where it is either but it is a former dutch colony, a consolation prize from the british for taking new york). It is monday so it is pretty quiet. I am writing from a coffee shop (the same one i wrote from last time 4 years ago) and you can barely smell the mj. How can i get a contact high? Some young guys just walked in do hopefully they will light up soon. I might drink a bit tonoght. im feeling pretty good do who knows.
Staying close to the canals so i dont get lost. Fio

Woke up to this morning to major construction which involves banging, breaking glass, and screaming in a foreugn language, just like home. Last night, a kind bartender bought me a jenever which is a local spirit avaliable in assortment of flavors, like aquavit. Not bad tasted like a smoother version of jaegermeister. Went to Rijksmuseum which was good, had some excellent dim sum in chinatown, topped off with a venison dinner. Wandered around for a bit as usual. I have reached a point now where alcohol and food have no effect on my body. Except that i feel kind of crappy until i have a beer (probably not a good thing but a common experience on holiday). Took a breather in my room (pod) and even turned on the TV (I didnt have one in antwerp) and realized that US soap operas are very popular. Watched a bit of days of our lives and they still have the same fucking characters they had when i watched it 20 years ago in college!!! I will probably venture out tomorrow maybe Haarlem or Utrecht. We will see.
Currently listening to reggae and surrounded by marijuana smoke. Fio

Ahh yes i am now less than 24 hours away from my flight back to lovely, picturesque Newark. Last night after some reggae and secondhand smoke I visited a place i refer to as the candlebar. The bartender was entertaining 2 Bulgarian girls that were staying with him as they are friends with his girlfriend. They are on their way back to Bulgaria after 5 months in the US where they were interning on an island in Lake Erie near Cleveland (Yeah, I had no fucking clue what they were talking about either) but they kept asking the bartender why it was so necessary for dutch people to spit so much when they speak. He countered my since they were bulgarian they should be working in the redlight district. I didnt know who/what to mock so i just made fun of cleveland. Drank until closing but since i have become immune to alcohol it was no problem. Awoke to someone scraping in the bathroom next door (yes, the shared bathroom that i use for showering and other stuff). Went to reception where they kindly moved me into the basement with my own bathroom (woohoo, no more darting to my room in a towel!). Only source of heat is a pipe (just like home) that heats the room to somwhere between purgatory and the first layer of hell ( again just like home, maybe i should rent out my room for 30 euros). went to haarlem today based on recommendation of bartender who grew up there. Good call, nice little town beautiful cathedral and i got lost and walked in a circle for about 1.5 hours but made it back in time for a relax. Im sure tonight will be subdued and relaxed, at least that's the plan. Looking forward to drying out and wringing out my liver like a wet rag, Fio


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