Friday, July 15, 2005

"If everything lives happily ever after, make it worse..."

THURSDAY July 14th...those TREES those beautiful TREES followed by Mr. Offutt discussing "first person retrospective vs. first person non-retrospective (Huck Finn)", Johnathan Lethem & "Fig Leaf Man" [lived in a nudist colony, super power: could take people's clothes off]; "engage through disengage"; "first paragraph - narrator, gender, time, tone, style, place, situation"...lunch was followed by "Performing Surgery w/out Anesthesia: Revising Fiction" with Offutt a/k/a "the great reviser". Notes: "polishing vs. revision"; #1 First Draft #2 Revision #3 Polishing #4 Editing..."cruel & ruthless objectivity" "revision: to see again"; then he drew the line on the blackboard again illustrating the "start near the end" premise "cut the beginning 1-4 pages" "cut the last page/ending" "see what the story is that developed on its own - rather than what you're forcing it into..." "make yourself vulnerable on the first page" "there is no such thing as the reader during the writing process" "FIRST DRAFT: structure, POV, plot, flashback, exposition, put in how Chris would feel NOT character - make sure everything serves the STORY not the WRITER..." 2ND LEVEL of revision: "consistency of tone, style, language...morse code - vary sentence structure..." POLISHING: "verbs, repetitive words, 2 similes MAX per short paragraph...ADVERBS - look a them carefully...switch scenes around & combine characters..." "Two's company, three's a short story..." "linear or circular - which? why? does it serve the piece?" limit exposition; "start near the end" "your first character should be your protagonist""dialogue: listen to other people - get out of the way & let them talk.." "avoid stage direction, avoid telling how the characters feel"..."DO NOT REVISE UNTIL YOU HAVE A DRAFT" this point, Offutt deferred to Denis Johnson (who was in the audience) who gave the somewhat contradictory advice, "start in the middle" & mentioned that he often revises a piece "300 times"..finally Offutt's quote of the day, "If everything lives happily ever after, make it worse..." 3pm Crafting Character: Who are these people Inhabiting Our Fiction?" with Dorothy Allison, Denis Johnson, and Ron Carlson notes: "the longer I listen to people, the less I know" (D.A.); "characters grow from a small piece of curiousity" (D.A.); "there's so little work in fiction, everyone's always sitting around drinking" (R.C. or D.J.?); in re: 'character sketches': "Go slowly, go in every door" (R.C.); "Write as large as you can reading through until you find what the story really is & get rid of the rest" (D.A.)...fangeek moment - handing D.J. a newly purchased copy (i think this makes about 8 or 9 times i've bought this book now) of "The Name of the World" and blathering on about how I keep buying this book and forcing it on people & asking him to sign it with a pen that was sadly, runnning out of ink...4:30 cocktail hour; 5:30 Tin House Editors reading with CJ Evans (more of that tear the heart out and stomp on it poetry) and Lee Montgomery who read from a longer piece that will likely be stuck in my brain for a very long time (this is a good thing BTW)...time for PB&J (having by now given up on the limp salad bar) & more beer...8pm Matthea Harvey read some of her wonderfully crafted poetry ('Roboboy') and Charles D'Ambrosio read from a longer piece (novel?) I took no notes (outside, dark, swatting at bugs) but it also was well crafted and managed to illicit some degree of emotional resonance despite my now near-numb brain (no...not from the beer...from all the mental exercise...)..on to student readings, another beer and "home" to my cell & another night falling asleep to dean martin, billy holliday, and gillian welch (will i EVER get sick of "I'll fly away"?)...


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